

- 1 min read

CodeWars: 6kyu – Counting Bits

img of CodeWars: 6kyu – Counting Bits

You got numbers, you want to know how many bits are flipped to a 1

Source: https://www.codewars.com/kata/bit-counting/train/python


Well, first we need to convert our number from an integer to a binary number.

There are two ways to do this:

Variant 1: String Formatting


Variant 2: Build In a binary converter “bin(number)”

Then well now we just have to count the occurrences of ones.

def count_bits:
   return bin(number).count(str(1))

Note: It is important to count the instances of ones as strings of “1” instead of integers of 1. This is the case because we converted the int to a string and are now looking for strings instead of numbers.